Discharge Press
Discharge Press for Packing High Viscosity Products
Type PDH:
For cartridge or can filling of:
- printing inks
- putties and mastics
- silicone rubber putties
- adhesives
- foodstuffs
And any pasty product of high viscosity.
Precision packaging to ± 1% of total fill volume
Highly viscous products are accurately packed by the unit’s volumetric proportioner. Portion sizes are controlled, readily adjustable, and protected from over or under filling. The hydraulic operated press easily packs your product into cans or cartridges.
Semi Automatic, Easy to Operate
This unit is designed to be operated by one person. Product is packed directly from the reinforced mixer tank. Tank is lifted by the hydraulic ram to the appropriate packing level. A quick coupling device connects the proportioning unit to the tank outlet. The operator simply places the cans or cartridges to be filled in the loading zone of the unit. The unit can automatically sense the position of the container and discharges the product. A special shut-off valve eliminates dripping or stringing.
Automatization Possibilities
Easy attachment of a can feeder, as well as closing, labeling and coding machines, plus a conveyer belt for transport of cans to storage will convert your unit to a fully automatic process.
Contamination Free Packing
Because the product is packed directly from the mixer tank and is never in contact with the air, there is no danger of any contamination of your product. This feature is especially important in the processing of products that harden or form a skin in the presence of air.
Quick and Easy Changeover Process
All parts of the unit in product contact can be removed easily and cleaned. To facilitate the change of color or formula, a plastic film can be placed over the plate before operation, keeping it clean. In addition, to further speed up this process, several sets of the parts in product contact can be purchased with the unit.
Special Models
Standard units can be modified in several ways to meet specific requirements and needs.
- The unit can be simplified to be used only as an extracting system or to feed a Triple Roller Mill.
- The unit can be adapted to fill oversize cans or drums. Instead of volumetric proportioner, unit is combined with a scale system.
- All unit parts in direct contact with the product can be made in stainless steel.
- The unit can be fitted with an explosion-proof motor and electrical equipment.
- Starters and controls can be supplied if required.
- Standard proportioners available.